Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Troubling Ticket Tuesday

I am becoming a BELIEVER about this text messaging thing! Today, I sent the following text to Andy and it helped ease the major guilt I was feeling for a major mistake I made.

"i regret to inform you i got a traffic citation this morning. and no, i was not speeding, i did something worse. i had no idea why he pulled me over at the time, but admit i am completely guilty of the violation that he informed me of. honest, complete mistake on my part and i feel just awful because i didn't even realize what i had done. apparantly, i did not see the crossing guard out in the crosswalk with her big, red, stop sign this morning while dropping the boys at school. very BAD move."

"you probably didn't see her because she was diving out of the way, sounds like you will be pulling weeds."

"yeah, i won't even go into my reasons for not seeing her...though some are quite valid, i made a big mistake and i accept responsibility for it...i did not see her, obviously, or i would have stopped. i am very sorry for what i've done and will tell her personally this afternoon."


"yeah, i know."

Yes, I know it's hard to understand how I didn't see her...all I can say is I honestly didn't. SCARY...that there are people like me who make mistakes like this around school zones. One things for sure I won't ever forget it and I do feel awful, I fell apart while apologizing to the sweet crossing guard lady. Alec was ducking down, so as to not be seen with me, when I returned to the car. All in all, very important reminder and lesson learned. By the way, pulling weeds, tumbleweeds, that is, has become the boys chore if they want to earn some money around here, we have an empty lot next to us, with huge, abnoxious weeds. I am grateful for a husband that just left it at that, after a very emotional morning, I needed some humor to lighten the load.

So...what do you think? Certainly, a conversation over the phone could have ended with a very different tone, I was already very emotional and I think texting helped me get everything I wanted said before I pushed send. Just a thought, but I am a believer.


Merrill Family said...

Sorry, but kind of hilarious. At least the text message part. Now that you are a text messaging guru, just don't text while driving :) Love ya sis!

jaesi said...

Just a sign of how old your getting ;)

Andys responses were hilarious!

Im here...ready to play. Im here....ready to play.
Whenever is good for you is good for me :)
Cant wait to see you.
Just let me know!

Grace said...

I love texting! When I found out I was pregnant I texted Ron the news. I just couldn't talk about it, I couldn't even put two words together. Same thing when I miscarried - I texted Adriann and asked her to pass it along to the family. Texting is awesome when your emotions need to be removed from the situation a little.

Valerie said...

I could say anything in a text. Not so much in person. :)

Cre8tive Granny said...

So glad you shared with all of us. I know it's a serious matter, but so funny the way you and Andy interacted. Be, be careful!

Adriann said...

I love texting too. You were very sweet to apologize to the crossing guard, and I'm kinda surprised they didn't let you off with a warning since you were obviously very sorry. Oh well, now you know there's no wiggle room in those pesky child safety laws! =).

The Barton Family said...

I hate texting. But I make stupid mistakes like tha allll the time. Way more than I care to admit. You gave BRyce and I a great laugh while reading that. I stopped unpacking for a minute to catch up on a few blogs. Thanks for the laugh. Jenna, you are so sweet and thoughtful. To go back and apologze- that takes a big person. I really admire that. Some things never change- you were just like that when I knew you 6 years ago! I love it!! By the way- I would totally help you pull weeds if I could!

Dave said...

you've been gone a couple of months and already you're driving like an sad
what's next? cutting down a butterfly garden? protesting the Muppets?

LeAnn said...

I can't believe you texted all that. It would take me 20 minutes just to get through the first one. Obviously, I haven't bought into the texting thing yet (well, we did buy into it one month when we had to pay over $10 'cause we don't have a texting plan--lol), but, I find that writing things in haiku form helps get the message out there without having to deal with all the emotion.

By the way, I get so mad at people who speed through school zones. One day I was looking way up ahead and saw the school zone lights flashing and then got thinking about all the times I've been tempted to honk at those stupid, careless people. Next thing I know, I had sped through the school zone. I didn't get caught but I would have taken full responsibility, too.

Unknown said...

i am totally with you.
i cannot believe they would give you a ticket in loving, understanding Utah. i mean, don't they know you didn't mean it?

Jenny & Scott said...

Jenna! What's this garbage about secretly blog stalking us? There's no need to hide. The funny thing is Jenny and I were just talking about how she wishes she would have stayed in better touch with everyone.

It would be fun to see you sometime. I guess Chris just moved back to Utah, up around Lehi. Where exactly are you?

allyn said...

oh man, jenna. now i feel like i should walk my children across the street instead of letting them walk across all by themselves when the crossing guard holds up her BIG RED stop sign.
i am with leann. it would take me forever to try to text all that. you must not have a blackberry.

Becky said...

Totally sounds like something I would do!

A Vance said...

Jenna, too funny! But it reminds me of when we were driving down the road together in my GREEN car back in high school. We were laughing like crazy. Like always. I think I swerved a bit trying to control myself from the laughter. Then we saw the cop behind us! We thought for sure he thought we were drunk. We thought he'd make me "walk the line". Well, I knew I wasn't speeding. So we couldn't think of any other reason he'd pull me over. It turned out it was a burnt out light bulb at the license plate!
~~Amanda Vance~~