Wednesday, May 27, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

Andy and I planted four of these hydrangea bushes our second summer in this house...we knew nothing about them and have managed to keep them alive and thriving, although it has not been hard. They bring me great JOY and satisfaction every MAY...and most unfortunately, will not survive where we are moving.


Grace said...

My hydrangas (sp) aren't that big!! I hope they get that big, yours are absolutely beautiful. Of course mine are still just barely coming out of the ground. I won't get blossoms for at least a month.

Michelle said...

They are beautiful! Lots of our neighbors have them and I get great joy out of theirs! Congratulations on selling your home. . . we're in the middle of trying to sell ours. Any tips or advice? We will be moving in August to Chandler to live with my parents until December and then we will move to Colorado to stay. Andy's school was WAY longer than our, and I sure can't say that I am jealous. It is hard to be so far away from family! I am sure you are relieved to be so close to being finished. I am so proud of you!! I miss you and love you so much!

Anna said...

That's toop bad! I love my hydrangeas every spring too! :)

Merrill Family said...

We'll get you some roses instead or something. I can't wait for you to be closer. Have I said that too much yet?

allyn said...

i heart hydrangeas too! i thought i had one on the side of my house, but it is not acting like a hydrangea. the petals are not blossoming at the same time. booo

i think they grow pink in st. george...youknow, with lots of water.

Cre8tive Granny said...

Jen, when I think of you in Virginia, I always think of your gorgeous hydrangeas and your charming little homes filled with love. I am sure something can be done to enjoy these beautiful flowers in Utah. Can't wait to see you as you prepare to leave Virginia and start the beginning of Andy's new career in the west. It's beauty is just different and you will always cherish your time in Norfolk and all the friends you've been blessed with there. What a fantastic group of people for you to be grateful for! I know I will always be so grateful to each of your lovely friends for blessing your life in such a magnificent way. It will so fun to watch you make a new home in St. George and watch your sweet family grow.Love ya tons, MOM