Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Looking FORWARD to my new sewing project...

Official Congrats to the winners of the Pay it Forward post, you know who you are! Okay, so I know you must be wondering what will my lucky prize be??? The only clue I'll give you is that it involves me sewing...those of you who know me WELL, no worries...I am really excited about the idea I found and it only requires the ability to sew straight lines, which I can totally handle. Admittedly, I ordered the pattern and will be starting this weekend. I am NOT the craftiest person, but lately I've actually had a desire to make a few randomly right before Christmas I decided to sew these aprons for my girls as a gift, it was really fun, and I was so proud of how they turned out! My neighbor has an embroidery machine so they even have their names on them, I really am looking forward to sewing goal is to complete Heidi's and Anna's before we move in June...and no, you're not getting handmade aprons with your names on them, something totally different, I'm so excited!!!


The Barton Family said...

Those are relly cute. I already know what I am going to do, and you automatically get one! I think it will be perfect for your new house.

heidigoseek said...

you did a really good job on those. i should do one of those for gracie. she's always with me in the kitchen.

Brooke said...

Those aprons are so adorable, and the little girls modeling them are even more adorable!

Cre8tive Granny said...

Jen, these are so cute! I just knew you could do it... you have been downright "remarkable" lately. Fixin' up the house to sell, sewing and all you normally do. You're even more awesome than I already knew you were...When I grow up I want to be like you! MOM