Wednesday, April 1, 2009

On a happier note...

Thanks for all of your sweet comments and words of encouragement about the below post! I am lucky to have so many wonderful friends and family members who care about us and our family. My boys have so been looking forward to me posting about the pinewood derby/ dessert auction our ward had last weekend. Our ward has this event as a fundraiser for YM/YW camps during the summer and it's always very successful (we love our youth)! Anyway...good news Alec got 1st place and Nate got
4th place for the derby and they were just thrilled, talk about making a 7 and 9 year olds' weeks, they're still talking about it. They designed the cars and helped Andy, but I think the key was the wheels and axels this time...Andy did everything he could to ensure they would do well, probably because he is competitive too and has been somewhat disappointed in the past many years, where the car he has helped build has not even placed...he was determined to figure it out and through much trial and error (they've done seven cars now) has at last felt the sweet reward of victory along with his boys. Andy got stuck at the hospital that night, but the next morning it was a celebration like they had won the superbowl! WELL DONE, BOYS, WAY TO GO!!!


Grace said...

Okay, we need to use Andy's expertiece to our advantage. We are finally having our pine wood derby the end of April. Our ward didn't have a track, but we finally have leaders with the skill to make one, so they did!! So when you guys are here, you'll have to help the boys make theirs!! That will be so much fun!!

Merrill Family said...

The only thing I will miss about being in cub scouts is th Derby! Good job boys. I love seeing the pics. The only problem is that you have danger zone playing in the background. I only give you crap cause I know you love that song... You and Dad love that song.
Love you anyway!

Adriann said...

Yay Alec and Nate! Way to go, that is AWESOME. Good job boys!

Cre8tive Granny said...

Hey boys, great job! So, when I call you my "champs" it's just because that is who you really are! I always love to see the photos of you guys, makes me feel like I'm there watching ya... lots of love to you, Grandma

The Barton Family said...

Too bad I will never know what a pine wood derby is all about! Glad it went well for your boys.

Donetta said...

Good job Nate and Alec and Andy. I know alot of work has gone into those cars.

allyn said...

those cars were rigged with rocket packs. somehow. they were awesome and the boys totally deserved to win.

i love that you love brian adams. it makes me laugh for some reason.

Casey said...

Aw, I miss those derbys! Congrats to your boys! Our ward out here in Missouri doesn't have fundraisers for camp like Virginia did. But, the girl's camp in VA is definitely deLUX and wonderfully accompanied with cabins and the lodge as well.