Thursday, September 3, 2009

ANNALISE's First Day

Annie woke up Monday morning yelling, "It's TODAY! It's TODAY!!!" She got up, got dressed and did everything she was asked to do, including hair (huge issue in our relationship), without was an awesome morning for Me.
She is just so thrilled that it is FINALLY her turn to go to school, she goes to Preschool 4 days a week in the mornings. Elisabeth cried the first few mornings and is really missing her. I have really missed her too, I'm not sure I was as ready for all this as she was! I have enjoyed the one-on-one time with Elisabeth though and better cherish it...before I know it, this year will have passed and it will be her turn next year, these kids of mine are growing up WAY too fast!

Here she is after we first got there and she hung up her backpack, little nervous, but mostly excited!
She had a GREAT experience her first day and was so proud to tell us all about it at FHE.

That afternoon, I put Elisabeth down for her nap as usual, she never gets out of her bed...this summer when we arrived in SG, we moved her to a big girl bed and she has done beautifully. Anyway, I went up to check on her and this is what I found, too cute and still awake, I had to get a picture.

I love this sweet, sweet girl!


jaesi said...

SUCH beautiful girls. I cant wait to see them and you of course....but mostly I cant wait for YOUR HOUSE!
Just the walls and windows look awesome!
Where is Annie going?

Shumaker said...

Well it looks like she will be having a ton of fun at school. The kids start on Tuesday and Mackenzie is going to be so sad to be alone again.

Jenna said...

Jaesi...she got in on the wait list at the college, love the program and all the interaction she gets with the early childhood education majors, she tells everyone (well, the lady at Michael's who asked her old she was..."I'm four and a half and I'm going to the college like my Uncle Brian."

So glad you're comin...and it's soon, woohoo.

Cre8tive Granny said...

Love, love, love to see Annie and her bright smile all ready for school. She will go far! She's such a smart and curious little gal... and won't her teachers just love her!
I can't wait to talk with her on the phone and listen to her tell us all about it. Thanks for taking that picture of Elisabeth sleeping under the desk. I just love that girl soooooo much. You've sure got the best kids.

Catherine said...

So cute! How fun for Annie, and Elizabeth is so cute. For about six months after we put Luke in a twin bed, he slept on the floor every night, and he will still take his pillow and blanket and lie down wherever to "rest!" Kids are so fun - most of the time!

allyn said...

i bet annie is LOVING school. banks is so-so about it, but keeps going. how cute is elisabeth? how sad to be alone all day.